Source: index.js

var debug = require('debug')('Resource'),
    express = require('express'),
    filterParser = require('./odata-filter'),
    querystring = require('querystring'),
    _ = require('lodash');

 * <p>Constructs a resource.</p>
 * <p>Keys</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>model (object): The instance of the Mongoose model (required).</li>
 * <li>rel (string): The absolute path of the new resource (required).</li>
 * <li>create (boolean): Specifies if the resource should support create (POST) (default true).</li>
 * <li>update (boolean): Specifies if the resource should support update (PUT) (default true).</li>
 * <li>delete (boolean): Specifies if the resource should support delete (DELETE) (default true).</li>
 * <li>lean (boolean): Whether find[ById] queries should be 'lean' and return pojos (default true).  If false then
 *         resource instances, prior to mapping an object for return, could make use of methods on the instance model.</li>
 * <li>populate (string||Array): Specifies a property, or list of properties, to populate into objects (<strong>deprecated</strong> use <code>$expand</code>).</li>
 * <li>count (boolean): Specifies if the resource should support counts on find and when traversed to by standard relationships from other types (default: false).</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>The following keys set defaults for possible query arguments.</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>$top (number): The default value for $top if not supplied on the query string (default none).</li>
 * <li>$skip (number): The default value for $skip if not supplied on the query string (default none).</li>
 * <li>$orderby (string): The default value for $orderby if not supplied on the query string (default none).  This value
 *                      must use odata syntax like "foo asc,bar desc,baz" rather than mongo syntax like "foo -bar baz".</li>
 * <li>$orderbyPaged (string): The name of an attribute to sort results by when clients are paging, send $top, but have not
 *                           explicitly sent $orderby. (default '_id').</li>
 * <li>$select (string): The default value for $select if not supplied on the query string (default none, all properties).
 *                     If a value is supplied then $select on the query string will be ignored to protect against the
 *                     situation where the intent is to hide internal attributes (e.g. '-secret').  Unlike odata the
 *                     syntax here is passed through to mongo so the '-' prefix will be honored.</li>
 * <li>$expand (string|Array): Specifies a property or list of properties to populate into objects.  This value acts as the
 *                    default value for the <code>$expand</code> URL argument.  If the URL argument is supplied it
 *                    over-rides this value.  Nested expansion is supported.  E.g. <code>_book._author</code> will end up in
 *                    both the <code>_book</code> reference being expanded and its <code>_author</code> reference being expanded.
 *                    The corresponding Mongoose model <code>ObjectId</code> properties <strong>must</strong> have their
 *                    <code>ref</code> properties set properly or expansion cannot work.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} definition The resource definition.
var Resource = function(definition) {
    var self = this;
    this._definition = _.extend({count: false},definition);
    if(this._definition.count) {
        this._definition.staticLinks = {
            'count': function(req,res) { self.count(req,res); }
 * Send a response error.
 * @todo currently this function unconditionally sends the error with the response.
 * this may not be desirable since often exposing an error (e.g. stack trace) poses
 * a potential security vulnerability.
 * @param  {Object} res     The express response object.
 * @param  {Number} rc      The response status code (default 500).
 * @param  {String} message The response message.
 * @param  {Object} err     The error object.
* @param  {Function} [next] Optional next callback to invoke after the response is sent with the error object.
Resource.sendError = function(res,rc,message,err,next) {
    rc = rc||500;
    var response = {
        status: rc,
        message: message,
        err: err
    if(typeof(next) === 'function') {
 * Parse a $filter populating a mongoose query with its cotents.
 * @param {Object} A mongoose query.
 * @param {String} A $filter value.
Resource.parseFilter = filterParser;
 * @return {Object} The resource definition.
Resource.prototype.getDefinition = function() {
    return this._definition;
 * @return {String} The resource relative path.
Resource.prototype.getRel = function() {
    return this._definition.rel;
 * @return {Object} The underlying mongoose model.
Resource.prototype.getModel = function() {
    return this._definition.model;
 * @return {Array} The list of instance link names.
Resource.prototype.getInstanceLinkNames = function() {
    var def = this.getDefinition();
    return def.instanceLinks ? Object.keys(def.instanceLinks) : [];
 * @return {Array} The list of static link names.
Resource.prototype.getStaticLinkNames = function() {
    var def = this.getDefinition();
    return def.staticLinks ? Object.keys(def.staticLinks) : [];
 * Sends a single object instance response.
 * @param  {Object}   req        The express request object.
 * @param  {Object}   res        The express response object.
 * @param  {Array}   objs        The array of objects to send.
 * @param  {Function}   [postMapper] Optional callback that will be called with each raw object instance.
 * @param  {Function} [next]       Optional next callback to invoke after the response is sent with the response object.
Resource.prototype.singleResponse = function(req,res,obj,postMapper,next) {
    var response = this.getMapper(postMapper)(obj);
    if(typeof(next) === 'function') {
Resource.prototype._listResponse = function(linkGenerator,req,res,objs,postMapper,next) {
    var response = {
        qDef = req.$odataQueryDefinition;
    response._links = linkGenerator(req,response);
    if(qDef && qDef.$top) {
        // next,prev links
        response._links = response._links||{};
        // looks odd but $top could be part of the service definition so
        // if its there use it but over-ride if supplied by the client.
        var forwardArgs = _.extend({$top: qDef.$top},req.query),
            nextArgs = _.extend({},forwardArgs,{$skip:(parseInt(forwardArgs.$skip||0)+parseInt(forwardArgs.$top))})
            prevArgs = _.extend({},forwardArgs,{$skip:(parseInt(forwardArgs.$skip||0)-parseInt(forwardArgs.$top))}),
            baseUrl = req.originalUrl.replace(/\?.*$/,'');
        if(prevArgs.$skip >= 0) {
            response._links.prev = baseUrl+'?'+querystring.stringify(prevArgs);
        // only add the next link if there are exactly the requested number of objects.
        // can't be sure if the next page might not be empty.
        if(response.list.length === parseInt(qDef.$top)){
   = baseUrl+'?'+querystring.stringify(nextArgs);
    if(typeof(next) === 'function') {
Resource.prototype._findListResponse = function(req,res,objs,postMapper,next) {
    var rel = this.getRel(),
        links = this.getStaticLinkNames(),
        def = this.getDefinition();
        if(links.length) {
            var lnks = links.reduce(function(map,link){
                map[link] = rel+'/'+link;
                return map;
            if(def.count && lnks.count) {
                var q = _.extend({},(req.query||{}));
                delete q.$top;
                delete q.$skip;
                delete q.$orderby;
                if(Object.keys(q).length) {
                    lnks.count += '?'+querystring.stringify(q);
            } else if (!def.count) {
                delete lnks.count;
            return lnks;
 * Sends a list response.
 * @param  {Object}   req        The express request object.
 * @param  {Object}   res        The express response object.
 * @param  {Array}   objs        The array of objects to send.
 * @param  {Function}   [postMapper] Optional callback that will be called with each raw object instance.
 * @param  {Function} [next]       Optional next callback to invoke after the response is sent with the response object.
Resource.prototype.listResponse = function(req,res,objs,postMapper,next) {
    var rel = this.getRel(),
        links = this.getStaticLinkNames();
        if(links.length) {
            return links.reduce(function(map,link){
                if(link !== 'count') {
                    map[link] = rel+'/'+link;
                return map;
 * Sends a list response when a relationship is traversed.  This is used for standard relationships to allow the
 * static count link to be handled.
 * @param  {Object}   req        The express request object.
 * @param  {Object}   res        The express response object.
 * @param  {Array}   objs        The array of objects to send.
 * @param  {Function}   [postMapper] Optional callback that will be called with each raw object instance.
 * @param  {Function} [next]       Optional next callback to invoke after the response is sent with the response object.
Resource.prototype.relListResponse = function(req,res,objs,postMapper,next) {
    var rel = this.getRel(),
        links = this.getStaticLinkNames(),
        def = this.getDefinition()
        var lnks = links.reduce(function(map,link){
                map[link] = rel+'/'+link;
                return map;
        if(def.count) {
            // replace count
            var q = _.extend({},(req.query||{}));
            delete q.$top;
            delete q.$skip;
            delete q.$orderby;
            if(Object.keys(q).length) {
                lnks.count = req.originalUrl.substring(0,req.originalUrl.indexOf('?'))+'/count?'+querystring.stringify(q);
            } else {
                q = req.originalUrl.indexOf('?');
                lnks.count = (q !== -1 ? req.originalUrl.substring(0,q) : req.originalUrl)+'/count';
        } else {
            delete lnks.count;
        return lnks;
/* not js-doc, don't want in output.
 * Translates an Odata $orderby clause into a mongo version.
 * (section 4.2)
 * @param  {String} $orderby The external odata $orderby clause
 * @return {String} The string equivalent of mongoose sort.
function odataOrderBy($orderby) {
    if($orderby) {
        var mongo,
            clauseExp = /^([^\s]+)\s*(asc|desc|)$/;
        $orderby.split(',').forEach(function(clause) {
            var clause_parts = clauseExp.exec(clause.trim());
            if(!clause_parts) {
                debug('orderby clause "%s" invalid, ignoring.',clause);
            } else {
                var field = clause_parts[1],
                    direction = clause_parts[2];
                if(direction === 'desc') {
                    field = '-'+field;
                mongo = mongo ? (mongo+' '+field) : field;
        debug('translated odata orderby "%s" to mongo sort "%s"',$orderby,mongo);
        return mongo;
 * Initializes a mongoose query from a user request.
 * @param  {Object} query The mongoose query.
 * @param  {Object} req   The express request object.
 * @return {Object}       The mongoose query (query input argument).
Resource.prototype.initQuery = function(query,req) {
    var base = this.getDefinition(),
        def = _.extend({
            $orderbyPaged: '_id',
            $expand: base.populate // populate is deprecated, if set its the default for $expand
        populate = def.$expand ?
            (_.isArray(def.$expand) ? def.$expand : [def.$expand]) : [];
        if(typeof(att) === 'string') {
            att.split(',').forEach(function(a) {
                a = a.trim();
                // nested expand, needs to be turned into an object instructing
                // which paths/nested paths to expand
                if(a.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
                    var parts = a.split('.'),
                        pop = { path: parts[0] },cpop = pop,i;
                    for(i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
                        cpop.populate = { path: parts[i] };
                        cpop = cpop.populate;
                    a = pop;
        } else {
    if(base.$select) {
        // don't let the caller over-ride to gain access to
        // fields that weren't intended.
        def.$select = base.$select;
    if(def.$select) {$select);
    if(typeof(def.lean) === 'boolean') {
    } else {
        query.lean(true); // by default go straight to a JavaScript object
    if(def.$top) {
    if(def.$skip) {
    if(def.$orderby) {
    } else if (def.$top) {
        // per the odata spec if the client is paging but not sorting then
        // we must impose a sort order to ensure responses are repeatable and
        // paged results are valid, _id is the only attribute we can count on
        // existing so sort on it.
    if(def.$filter) {
    // save the query definiton for later re-use.
    req.$odataQueryDefinition = def;
    return query;
 * <p>Builds a 'mapper' object that can be used to translate mongoose objects into
 * REST response objects.  This function can be passed to given an array of
 * mongoose objects.  All object results returned to a client should pass through a
 * mapper so that meta information like instance links can be attached.</p>
 * <p><em>Note:</em> When sending custom responses you should use the [listResponse]{@link Resource#listResponse} or [singleResponse]{@link Resource#singleResponse} functions to do
 * so and those functions implicitly use a mapper.</p>
 * @param  {function} postMapper callback that should be called after the underlying mapper does its work (optional).
 * @return {function}            An callback.
Resource.prototype.getMapper = function(postMapper) {
    var model = this.getModel(),
        instanceLinkNames = this.getInstanceLinkNames(),
        rel = this.getRel();
    return function(o,i,arr) {
        if(typeof(o.toObject) === 'function') {
            if(!i) {
                // just log for single maps, or the first in an array.
                debug('%s: translating mongoose model to a pojo',rel);
            o = o.toObject();
        var selfLink = rel+'/'+o._id,
            links = {
                self: selfLink
        instanceLinkNames.forEach(function(link) {
            links[link] = selfLink+'/'+link
        o._links = links;
        return typeof(postMapper) === 'function' ? postMapper(o,i,arr) : o;
 * Fetches and returns to the client an entity by id.  Resources may
 * override this default functionality.
 * @param  {Object} req The express request object.
 * @param  {Object} res The express response object.
 * @param  {Function} [next]       Optional next callback to invoke after the response is sent with the response object.
Resource.prototype.findById = function(req,res,next) {
    var self = this,
        def = this.getDefinition();
        query = this.initQuery(self.getModel().findById(req._resourceId),req);
        if(err || !obj) {
            Resource.sendError(res,404,'not found',err);
        } else {
 * Executes a query for an entity type and returns the response to the client.
 * Resources may override this default functionality.
 * @param  {Object} req The express request object.
 * @param  {Object} res The express response object.
 * @param  {Function} [next] Optional next callback to invoke after the response is sent with the response object.
Resource.prototype.find = function(req,res,next) {
    var self = this,
        def = this.getDefinition(),
        query = this.initQuery(self.getModel().find(),req);
            Resource.sendError(res,500,'find failed',err);
        } else {
            debug('found %d objects.', objs.length);
 * Executes a query for an entity type and returns the number of objects found.
 * Resources may override this default functionality.
 * @param  {Object} req The express request object.
 * @param  {Object} res The express response object.
Resource.prototype.count = function(req,res) {
    var self = this,
        def = this.getDefinition(),
        query = this.initQuery(self.getModel().find(),req);
            Resource.sendError(res,500,'find failed',err);
        } else {
 * Creates an instance of this entity type and returns the newly created
 * object to the client.
 * @param  {Object} req The express request object.
 * @param  {Object} res The express response object.
 * @param  {Function} [next] Optional next callback to invoke after the response is sent with the response object.
Resource.prototype.create = function(req,res,next) {
    var self = this,
        Model = self.getModel(),
        instance = new Model(req.body);,saved){
        if(err) {
            return Resource.sendError(res,500,'create failure',err,next);
        // self.singleResponse(req,res,saved);
        // re-fetch the object so that nested attributes are properly populated.
        req._resourceId = saved._id;
 * <p>Updates an instance of this entity type and returns the updated
 * object to the client.</p>
 * <p><em>Note:</em> This implementation of update is more similar to PATCH in that
 * it doesn't require a complete object to update.  It will accept a sparsely populated
 * input object and update only the keys found within that object.</p>
 * @param  {Object} req The express request object.
 * @param  {Object} res The express response object.
 * @param  {Function} [next] Optional next callback to invoke after the response is sent with the response object.
Resource.prototype.update = function(req,res,next) {
    var self = this,
        model = self.getModel();
    // not using findOneAndUpdate because helpers are not applied
    model.findOne({_id: req._resourceId},function(err,obj){
        if(err) {
            return Resource.sendError(res,404,'not found',err,next);
            obj[key] = req.body[key];
        });,obj) {
            if(err) {
                return Resource.sendError(res,500,'update failure',err,next);
            // re-fetch the object so that nested attributes are properly populated.
 * Deletes an instance of this entity type.
 * @param  {Object} req The express request object.
 * @param  {Object} res The express response object.
 * @param  {Function} [next] Optional next callback to invoke after successful delete with the model object.
Resource.prototype.delete = function(req,res,next) {
    var self = this,
        query = self.initQuery(self.getModel().findById(req._resourceId),req);
    query.lean(false); // need the object itself regardless of how the resource is defined
        if(err || !obj) {
            return Resource.sendError(res,404,'not found',err,next);
            if(err) {
                return Resource.sendError(res,500,'remove error',err,next);
            if(typeof(next) === 'function') {
 * Add a static link implementation to this resource.
 * @param  {String} rel  The relative path of the link.
 * @param  {function} link A function to call when the static link is requested.  The
 *                         arguments are (req,res) which are the express request and response
 *                         objects respectively.
 * @return {Object}      this
Resource.prototype.staticLink = function(rel,link) {
    // for now static links are functions only
    var def = this._definition,
        links = def.staticLinks;
    if(!links) {
        links = def.staticLinks = {};
    links[rel] = link;
    return this;
 * Add an instance link to this resource.
 * The link argument can be either an object defining a simple relationship
 * (based on a reference from the 'other side' object) or a function to be called to
 * resolve the relationship.
 * If a function is supplied then its arguments must be (req,res) which are the express
 * request and response objects respectively.
 * If an object is supplied then the necessary keys are:
 * - otherSide (Object): The Resource instance of the other side entity.
 * - key (string): The attribute name on the otherside object containing the id of this Resource's entity type.
 * @param  {String} rel  The relative path of the link.
 * @param  {Object|function} link The link definition.
 * @return {Object}      this
Resource.prototype.instanceLink = function(rel,link) {
    var def = this._definition,
        links = def.instanceLinks;
    if(!links) {
        links = def.instanceLinks = {};
    links[rel] = link;
    return this;
 * Initializes and returns an express router.
 * If app is supplied then app.use is called to bind the
 * resource's 'rel' to the router.
 * @param  {object} app Express app (optional).
 * @return {object}     Express router configured for this resource.
Resource.prototype.initRouter = function(app) {
    var self = this,
        resource = self._definition,
        router = express.Router();
    if(resource.staticLinks) {
            var linkObj = resource.staticLinks[link],
                linkObjType = typeof(linkObj);
            if(linkObjType === 'function') {
                    return function(req,res) {
        req._resourceId = id;
    if(typeof(resource.create) === 'undefined' || resource.create) {'/',(function(self){
            return function(req,res) {
    if(typeof(resource.update) === 'undefined' || resource.update) {
            return function(req,res) {
    if(typeof(resource.delete) === 'undefined' || resource.delete) {
            return function(req,res) {
        return function(req,res) {
    router.get('/', (function(self){
        return function(req,res) {

    if(resource.instanceLinks) {
            var linkObj = resource.instanceLinks[link],
                linkObjType = typeof(linkObj);
            if(linkObjType === 'function') {
                    return function(req,res) {
            } else if(linkObj.otherSide instanceof Resource && linkObj.key) {
                if(linkObj.otherSide.getDefinition().count) {
                        (function(self,otherSide,key) {
                            return function(req,res) {
                                var criteria = {};
                                criteria[key] = req._resourceId;
                                var query = otherSide.initQuery(otherSide.getModel().find(criteria),req);
                                    if(err) {
                                        return Resource.sendError(res,500,'error resolving relationship',err)
                    (function(self,otherSide,key) {
                        return function(req,res) {
                            var criteria = {};
                            criteria[key] = req._resourceId;
                            var query = otherSide.initQuery(otherSide.getModel().find(criteria),req);
                                if(err) {
                                    return Resource.sendError(res,500,'error resolving relationship',err)
    if(app) {
    return router;
module.exports = Resource;